LeadDIVERSITY Alumni Association

Upon completion of the program, graduates are encouraged to become active members of the LeadDIVERSITY Alumni Association and to assist in the future creation and implementation of LeadDIVERSITY.

This respected group of diverse professionals is a strong network of community leaders that are dedicated to being positive forces of change, embracing not only a diversity of people and culture, but also the diversity of ideas for over 12 years.

Nearly 400 community and corporate leaders have experienced and benefitted from the program, and our community is a better place because of it!

The LeadDIVERSITY Alumni Association supports all graduates with the continuance of sharing the ideas of embracing diversity and inclusion. Each graduate will now receive TheWindow Seat, The Diversity Center’s monthly newsletter featuring information on Diversity Center’s events, programs and professional development workshops.

The LeadDIVERSITY Alumni Association is expanding our reach and mission with our DIVERSITYLeaders  & COMMUNITYLeaders Membership Drive.  Each year, we are impressed with the growing numbers of professionals who have joined and renewed membership in the LeadDIVERSITY Alumni Association.

Because you have asked for more benefits, more connections to network and more opportunities for exchanging ideas, we have expanded our Membership Levels.

$50 Annual Membership

Membership Benefits:

  • LeadDIVERSITY Alumni lapel pin
  • Reduced Ticket pricing for The Annual Humanitarian Award Dinner

$125 Annual Membership

Membership Benefits:

  • LeadDIVERSITY Alunmi Lapel Pin
  • Reduced ticket pricing for The Annual Humanitarian Award Dinner
  • 50% of your membership dues support a scholarship for the LeadDIVERSITY Program
  • Reduced rates for guest for all Alumni Association Events

Contact Jessica Daigler with any questions at 216-752-3000 or email jdaigler@diversitycenterneo.org.
